The loss of time in the customs procedures ends.
The loss of time in the customs procedures ends.
Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan many stages in the customs clearance process of imports by ending
the traditional pre-arrival clearance, they implemented the application stated, "Our new
application for customs clearance of goods by sea and the goods be released from customs yet to
be completed before the transport vehicle, the goods will be available for delivery directly to the
owner to leave the territory of the port." he said.
Pekcan, in a written statement, customs procedures, simplification of bureaucratic processes and
efforts to reduce trade in a variety of areas, said the work continued.
Pekcan, who pointed out that customs procedures should be designed as a transition point and not
as a set in front of trade, in the traditional method, the summary declaration of the goods and
vehicles is registered in order to complete the customs procedures, also after the arrival of the
vehicle, it was reminded that the arrival notification related to the summary declaration was made
and then the goods were discharged from the vehicle and put in a temporary storage place or
Pekcan in the next stage, imports of goods for free circulation regime, inward processing regime or
declaration after the declaration has been registered against the regime or other relevant supply and
the operations of the owner of the goods to be delivered to the process that was being followed step
by step stated.
Pekcan, as the Ministry to respond to the need for quick and easy customs procedures in the
traditional customs clearance method by ending the many steps in the implementation of the
customs clearance application prior to arrival said that they have implemented. Also he said that
“Our new application for customs clearance of goods by sea and the goods be released from customs
yet to be completed before the transport vehicle, the goods will be available for delivery directly to
the owner to leave the territory of the port. To shorten the distance between the start and end point
in the import process, before the arrival, after the registration of the summary declaration of goods
before the goods get Customs Territory of Turkey import declaration can be registered and declaration
procedures are completed.”
“This application will facilitate foreign trade.”
Pekcan said that the pilot implementation of the project on was successfully completed at the Asiaport
Tekirdag Harbour on 16-18 October. An industrialist company has brought the goods brought by sea into
free circulation. This was the first time in the history of the customs and the goods were delivered easily
and quickly.
Pekcan underlined, the main purpose of the application to meet the specific safety and success criteria
for industrialists and exporters of raw materials and intermediate goods in the nature of the entry into
the process of timely production. He also said that “For this reason, the application is designed to meet
the needs of our exporters who are supplying intermediate goods through the regime of free circulation,
on the one hand, and the exporters who provide intermediate goods through the inward processing
regime on the one hand, and to facilitate foreign trade.”